We asked about the taxi fare from Puduraya to the star cruise terminal in Pulau Indah, Westport near Port Klang and the taxi driver asked for RM 80 per taxi. Asked another taxi at Bukit Bintang near the hotel that we stayed for the night before the cruise and he asked for RM 90. At the end we decided to take monorail from Bukit Bintang at RM1.80 per pax then KTM to Port Klang at RM 4.30 per pax and then from the last station at Port Klang we took a taxi to Star Cruise terminal at RM 30 per taxi. So all in all we only paid RM 48.30 to transport the 3 of us to Star Cruise terminal. Thus saving us RM 41.70. This is the cheapest way to go to westport if you are in no hurry, of course.
The management even put up this standard taxi fare to protect "cruisers" who need taxi to go to KL when the cruise berth at the terminal
Washroom at the terminal
The terminal looks just like an airport
Wasa Queen: another cruise ship berthing there
This is Gemini from far:
This is how we board the cruise ship from the terminal:
Welcoming us on board and we were given our access card that comes with Sing $ 1000 for us to swap while on board, which we need to pay of course when we disembark on the last day.
Excited to see the cabin:
Super powerful shower to save water consumption:
Close up view of the dressing table:
Entrance to Mariner's Buffet Dining:
wah! So nice! Very good price indeed!
I heard that the school opened up another class in Form 4. Now we have 4I. Gila...
And worse, no Afternoon Supervisor..
I chanced upon your blog and need more info regarding the land travel between the Port Klang cruise centre and KL. Can you contact me via e-mail? Thank you
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