I also do some google search on guava and diabetes and this is what i get

Guava Benefits
Controls blood pressure
Lowers cholesterol
Battles diabetes
Combats cancer
Protects prostate
If you thought oranges and other citrus fruits were the kings of vitamin C, you need to meet the guava. One guava has 165 milligrams (mg) of vitamin C, while one orange has a mere 69mg. This delicious fruit is also a good source of beta carotene, lycopene, potassium and soluble fiber.
Three Ways Guava Keeps You Healthy
Helps Your Heart
Guava can improve your heart health by helping to control your blood pressure and cholesterol. In one study, researchers gave guava to people with high blood pressure before meals for 12 weeks. By the end of the study, average systolic (top number) blood pressure dropped by 8 points and diastolic (bottom number) fell by 9 points.
Guava’s ability to lower blood pressure could be the result of potassium. This mineral is an electrolyte that is essential to electrical reactions in your body, including your heart. IT also keeps your heartbeat steady, and it assists your kidneys in removing waste from your body.
In addition, the study participants’ total cholesterol dropped almost 10 percent. Experts think guava’s cholesterol lowering effect may be due to its soluble fiber content. Soluble fiber softens and forms a gel that binds cholesterol and carries it out of the body.
The vitamin C found in guava might be a particularly effective antioxidant against heart disease. Studies show it raises good HDL cholesterol, and it helps prevent bad LDL cholesterol from becoming oxidized and turning into artery-clogging plaques. Vitamin C can also help keep your small blood vessels springy and healthy.
Curtails Cancer
Guava is a good source of lycopene. This carotenoid, which gives many plant foods their red or pink coloring, may help prevent cancer, as well as boost heart health.
The evidence for lycopene’s cancer-protective effect is strongest for prostate cancer, lung cancer and stomach cancer.
The vitamin C in guava may also protect your against cancer. Studies find that a high intake of vitamin C may lower your risk of developing colon, stomach, breast and lung cancers.
Treats Diabetes
According to folklore, guava has been used in Chinese medicine to treat diabetes for a very long time. And now, a recent study proves that it could lower blood sugar. The effect was not as potent as cholorpropamide and metformin, drugs commonly used to lower blood sugar. Nevertheless, it may be a natural way to help prevent diabetes.
As I am at the moment off my chinese medication so i decided to drink freshly blended guava juice for the last 2 days.. At the moment there are around 40 + guava in my fridge for my consumption for the next 5 or 6 days . Moreover guava juice is 1000X better than the 2.5 cups of bittergourd juice which I have been drinking for the last 2 months.I have to literally force myself to drink. The first cup of bittergourd juice is still OK and bearable , the 2nd cup - struggled , and the remaining half cup left is really forcing it down my throat!!!! But never mind don't complain at least the bittergourd juice has help me a lot for the past 2 months.
This morning i waited till 7 .30 am to take my bg reading and wonderfully wonderful it was :
Really so happy to see that reading on the meter cos it has been 6.1 then 6.3 then 6.1 and now ...5.6 which means it is in the normal range now and without medication
To celebrate we went out for breakfast ( haven't eat out for the past 2 months since i had a reading of 14.8 ) i ordered Hakka Lui Char Or Thunder Tea Rice ... which consists of tea and mint leaves with lots of veggies , of cos i ask the towkay to give me just a little bit of rice... need to cut down on carbohydrates
Just hope and pray that things will work out to be okay ......Everyday is a bonus day.....