
RM 2 for a cuppa??

A glass of iced Milo now costs RM2 according to the news on Borneo Post so are we going to boycott those kopi tiam for charging us so much?? Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
The best solution is drink at home ...but soon the price of Milo in the tin will also increase . Reason : salary increase for civil servants. Salary increase 25% , milo increase from RM 1.50 to RM 2, that is an increase of 33.3333%,Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket how le??? lidat can survive kah?


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Anonymous said...

Teacher i think it's normal ler..
Milo peng memang RM 1.80 right?
So increase 20 cents only. =P

By the way, I have this tendency to order drinks like milo peng whenever I'm outeven when I know I can get it free at home though.

I guess it tastes better when you have to pay for it. =P

X'tina said...

Hi anonymous student,
Of course outside drink taste better because they do put lots of Milo in the Milo -peng. And the ice makes it better too.
Even though 20 sen, it is still an increase and still hurts our pocket. It depends lor some shop do charge RM 1.60 before this increase.
Aisehman ....gaji belum naik semua barang sudah naik harga!!!

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