This is the new toy I got for myself:

In order not to feel guilty for buying this toy I need to state to myself 10 good reasons for buying it :
1. It is cheap RM 249 only + 2 cosway redemption coupons
2. Hard to find real 100% wholemeal bread in bakery...most of the wholemeal bread are actually mixed with at least 30% white flour
3. As a prediabetic, I really need to eat low GI wholemeal bread even though it is not nice since it is tough and not sweet.
4. Most bread sold in towns are loaded with preservatives.
5. Very lazy to drive to my favourite
ALOHA DELICATESSEN BAKERY just to get one loaf of bread
6. Can just set the time and wow... wake up in the morning a nice loaf of bread is there waiting for me......
7. Can now make a wide wide variety of wholemeal bread wholemeal banana bread, wholemeal cheese bread .. wholemeal cinnamon bread, wholemeal bacon bread, wholemeal herbal bread the list long enuf to bore you???
8. I love to eat pizza but after diagnosed as a diabetic I shy away from
Pizza Hut so with this new toy I can make my own wholemeal pizza base and put my favourite toppings on it ...Muahaha...
9. For the last 7 months, I didn't eat a single piece of my favourite pau:
with this new toy I can command it to knead pau with wholemeal flour then take them out and put in fillings and steam ...tata... my favourite pau.sssss.
10. I love baking but I hate kneading ... so this machine will now do all the kneading in this world without me lifting a figure ..just need to press buttons .. I love technology.......
Ok ..enuf 10 reasons ... I don't find myself guilty anymore to buy it.
Shhh.. just to tell you my llth reason ..also a secret of mine... that is to celebrate my pay rise this month... I love Abdullah Badawai aka Pak Lah ... someone once says this " Masa Abdullah, SEMUA NAIK..." do your own research and interpretations on these words...