
Everybody can be Tech Savvy...

Remember 4 years ago when our Pengetua ( Principal ) announced that our school is going to ask teachers to key in marks into our SMS ( School Management System) all the half century old teachers was like this: Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Because at that time many of those half centurions don't even know how to scroll up and down the page on the screen, they don't know how and where to switch on the computer, don't know anything about google search .... so their obvious reaction is Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

But now 4 years later they are all so tech savvy that they can send email , forward mail, google search for articles and watch You Tube with our 24 /7 internet connection in our staffroom. Now see for yourself how tech savvy these half centurions have become:



Helen said...

You're right.. it's just a matter whether the individual has the heart to learn new things.

I see those Westerners in their 70s surfing and chatting over the internet. Here, the oldies are not as willing to learn new things.

I wonder is it a culture thing..? lol

X'tina said...

Yup, Asians are slower in accepting new things than westerners . Asians need to be forced to learn...but once they are determined ...they can be damn shiok too...if not "shioker" than the angmoh

Ehon said...

wahhh!! the staffroom has changed!!

X'tina said...

ehon- My son#1 just told me it looks like cybercafe, does it? LOL

Eric said...

wah.. then the sofa move to where..?

X'tina said...

The sofa is already spoilt so now they put in some chairs there instead
Wow your memory so good one..can still remember that pink sofa.

Europe and Mediterranean Holiday (3rd October 2013 to 4 th November 2013)

One month dream holiday to Mediterranean ....... this is my second planned trip, last year trip to Canary Islands was cancelled due to husba...